Marriage Awareness at Youth Event
Our youth are not automatically looking to be married as they did in past generations due to our rapidly changing society. A parish should take every opportunity to not only uplift married couples but also show the vocation in a beautiful light. At a youth ministry event, all the adults working with the teens who are married could speak for a moment about the joys of marriage, sharing some joyful aspect of their courtship or life as a married couple. I was on the Life Teen Core Team for a few years before vocations captured my heart, and at one of our events, we celebrated the vocation of marriage. Each core team member was asked to submit a picture of the happy couple on their wedding day and then speak to the teens for 1-2 minutes about their courtship and the joys of the sacrament of marriage. I was blessed to tell everyone that David brought me to the Catholic Church and to my relationship with Jesus!