Vocation Resources:

Seminarian Welcome Back Gift

All seminarians need affirmation throughout their process of discernment. As a ministry, consider giving those seminarians from your parish or all diocesan seminarians a small gift when they return to the seminary at the beginning of the fall semester.

One of the goals of a Vocation Ministry is to lift-up seminarians with affirmation in the form of physical cards and/or gifts.

Whether you send gift cards, school-related items, or the books below, the seminarians will be thankful for your gifts of affirmation.

Lord, Teach us to Pray: A Guide to the Spiritual Life and Christian Discipleship

This terrific, easy-to-read volume offers a primer on the Catholic faith and the basics of prayer in the Catholic tradition.

The genius of Lord, Teach Us to Pray is that after providing a remedial crash-course on Christianity, it helps readers create a meaningful Rule of Life, following principles established by the great saints. This two-phased approach—basic catechesis, followed by concrete action—has proved to be a remarkably effective way to help Catholics of all ages draw closer to Jesus.

Dear Seminarian

Letters from a lay apostle on becoming a shepherd of souls…

Dear seminarian, I have been praying for you with all my heart, for you may be one of our future priests, and priests are a miracle of God s love for us. A man, through the sacrament of Ordination, becomes another Christ, with powers that go beyond human imagination…

It is doubtful that any woman has spoken more often to seminarians and future priests than Catherine Doherty–renowned Catholic speaker, author of more than 40 books and thousands of articles, and foundress of the Madonna House Apostolate.

Catherine understands that the awakening of your priestly identity is crucial, for you are called to extend the incarnation of Jesus Christ in history. In this highly inspirational work, she addresses a wide range of topics important to your priestly spiritual formation.

Catherine’s words will encourage, motivate, and occasionally astonish you with their clarity and depth–enabling you to prepare to be a modern-day shepherd to God s people in the spiritual crisis and challenges facing us today.

A Priest in the Family

This is a great book for the family of a seminarian, answering questions like: “My son, a priest!? Won’t he be lonely? What about celibacy? Isn’t he too young? I just want him to be happy!”

These and dozens of other questions and concerns are common among parents of would-be priests. With his gift for storytelling and down-to-earth wisdom, Fr. Brett Brannen addresses a wide range of issues in A Priest in the Family: A Guide for Parents Whose Sons are Considering Priesthood. It is available in Spanish, too.

Mary and the Priestly Ministry

One gift idea is Mary and the Priestly Ministry, which countless priests have found to be an inspiring book of meditation and a source of priestly renewal.

The Holy Mass Rosary with Italian Olivewood and Mother of Pearl Beads

Crucifix: The front depicts Jesus’ death on the cross at Golgotha and on the back, the Eucharistic Jesus whose sacrifice is re-presented at every Holy Mass

Centerpiece: On the front an image of the hands of the Priest in a posture of Consecration and on the back a detailed representation of Our Lady of Fatima.


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