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VM Vocation Resources :: Vocation Days World Day for Consecrated Life

World Day for Consecrated Life

February 2 | Feast of the Presentation of our Lord


Consecrated life is a blessed gift given by Jesus Christ, who chooses a person to answer his great call of love in a distinct and special way. He requests that person leave behind features of the world such as marriage and wealth to serve their brothers and sisters.  Bringing awareness to and praying for those consecrated to Christ is a fundamental goal of this ministry.


Consider one of these activities at your parish for this event to celebrate the men and women who have said yes to serving Christ with their lives:

  1. Ask the parish liturgy coordinator to place a prayer petition for consecrated men and women in the Prayers of the Faithful (see General Intercessions above).
  2. Take up a gift card collection and send them with a card to those consecrated men and women from your own parish. If you don’t have any, send them to a nearby convent or monastery.
  3. Display this a World Day for Consecrated Life banner.
  4. Obtain posters of the consecrated in formation from the Office of Vocations, to place at each parish entrance. If they don’t produce them, consider displaying a poster.
  5. Ask consecrated men or women, which includes religious sisters and brothers, to speak after Mass, at reception, at a school assembly, and/or at youth ministry event.
  6. If you don’t have any consecrated men or women in your area who can visit, consider playing one of the many Vocation Videos in Phase II, that show consecrated life in a beautiful, inspiring, and instructive way.
  7. Ask parishioners to pray for each of the consecrated men and women, using these prayer cards (English | Spanish).
  8. If your parish vocation ministry is operating in Phase III or IV, consider running Called By Name.
  9. Do a bulletin series that highlights a consecrated life.

Consecrated life is a blessed gift given by Jesus Christ, who chooses a person to answer his great call of love in a distinct and special way. He requests that person leave behind features of the world such as marriage and wealth to serve their brothers and sisters.  Bringing awareness to and praying for those consecrated to Christ is a fundamental goal of this ministry.


Consider one of these activities at your school for this event to celebrate the men and women who have said yes to serving Christ with their lives:

  1. Place a prayer petition for consecrated men and women in the Prayers of the Faithful in the school Mass.
  2. Take up a gift card collection and send them with a card to those consecrated men and women from your own school. If you don’t have any, send them to a nearby convent or monastery.
  3. Display a World Day for Consecrated Life banner.
  4. Obtain posters of the consecrated in formation from the Office of Vocations, to place at each school entrance. If they don’t produce them, consider displaying a poster.
  5. Ask consecrated men or women, which includes religious sisters and brothers, to speak at a school assembly or visit classrooms.
  6. If you don’t have any consecrated men or women in your area who can visit, consider playing one of the many Vocation Videos in Phase II, that show consecrated life in a beautiful, inspiring, and instructive way.
  7. Ask students to pray for each of the consecrated men and women from your school. Ask each student to fill out a spiritual bouquet found in Phase II and offer their prayers as gifts to them.


Kids Activities


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