Classroom Visits
Joyful Witness
Youth need to experience the witness of people joyfully living their vocations – married couples, priests and seminarians, and religious sisters and brothers. This is one of the best ways to encourage vocations. If young people see how a vocation is lived with joy, then they will have hope that they can also live that vocation with joy.
Here is an example – seminarians participating alongside youth in a lighthearted game. This sort of joyful interaction can have a very beneficial positive effect on vocational discernment!

- Limit participation to 2-3 visitors at one time to give all an opportunity to speak.
- Consider designating a conference room as a reception area with small finger foods and drinks during breaks.
- Sisters should tour separately from priests. Keeping the different vocations separate will allow for less confusion among the students.
- Have students create thank you notes for guests.
- Invite a priest, religious, and/or seminarians to sing Christmas carols on the day before Christmas break.