Field Day Table
Many Catholic schools have an annual carnival or field day to build fellowship among the students. This fun-filled event is the perfect opportunity to introduce parents and students to vocations. At the event, a ministry can focus on the interaction between priests, religious, seminarians, and the students through games, such as tug-of-war, arm wrestling, hula-hoop contests, and Vocation Jeopardy. These activities show that priests and religious can be playful and joyful.

Handout this Scavenger Hunt to Kids

Purchase items for your festival table:

- Free candy and handouts help attract attention to your booth.
- Sample booth décor/handouts/prize:
- Sample booth activities:
- Photo Opportunity: Priest and nun cutouts for parishioners to place their faces through
- Tug-of-war
- Arm-wrestling
- Hula-hoop contest
- Pin-the-Miter-on-the-Bishop
- Pin-the-Collar-on-the-Priest
- Vocations Jeopardy
- Vocations Bingo
- Consider using this opportunity to have students sign a card or gift for a priest for Priesthood Sunday, an upcoming birthday, or an ordination anniversary.
Behind the Scenes
Festival Table in Action