Book Rack Materials
The area in the narthex where magazines, prayer cards, and pamphlets are displayed gets passed hundreds of times during the week and often thousands of times on Sunday. Placing materials here can bring vocations awareness to the parishioners in a passive and cost-effective manner.
These materials should inspire parents and youth to think about some aspect of vocations—anything from sharing how to pray a rosary for vocations or about what life is like as a religious sister.

- VISION Vocation Guide and its VISION are the most comprehensive resources available in print and online for those seeking information on Catholic religious vocations and men’s and women’s religious communities. Order copies of their vocation guide in print at no cost: For more information on the content, see their article index or read the current digital edition.
- Online Guide to Religious Ministries for Catholic Men and Women: Resource to request vocation material from different religious orders that includes a brief description of each religious order and contact information. $10. 800-433-7771.
- Vianney Vocations: This online store offers books, booklets, posters, brochures, and prayer cards used by more than 100 different dioceses.