Marriage Awareness at Mass
“Love at first sight is easy to understand; it’s when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle.”
Sam Levenson
Let’s find those couples who have been looking at each other for a lifetime so that all of us can witness that miracle. One easy way to do this is for the priest or deacon at Mass to ask all married couples to stand up, and then he asks those married 5 years or less to sit down. He will add more decades, working his way up to the couple married the longest. Everyone gives them a round of applause and possibly a bouquet of flowers. Equally important is that all the young married couples and children witness the whole congregation supporting this couple and the vocation of marriage.

For Your Marriage and Por tu Matrimonio websites are sites to inspire, assist, and encourage couples in English or Spanish to live their marriage more fully. It includes content for dating and engaged couples, family life, and parenting, too.