Festival Table
Most Catholic parishes have some sort of annual festival to raise funds and/or build fellowship within their community. This is the perfect opportunity to introduce parishioners to the Vocation Ministry and explain its mission. Focusing on the interaction among priests and seminarians with the parishioners through games of tug-of-war, arm wrestling, hula-hoop contests, vocation jeopardy, and other games or activities shows young and old parishioners alike that priests are human, too, and can be playful and joyful. Having candy available will attract much attention from the children, especially given that most booths at the festival will require money to participate. With an interested audience, the ministry can start to introduce vocations to all in the parish.

Hand out Scavenger Hunt to kids:

Purchase items for your festival table:

Behind the Scenes setting up Parish Festival Table
Festival Table in Action
Many Catholic parishes have some sort of annual festival to raise funds and build fellowship within their community, which is a perfect opportunity to show your parishioners who your ministry is and what does vocations mean. Share your enthusiasm for priests and religious; play games with the youth. Show them that those living their vocation are filled with joy.