Ministry Fair
The Ministry Fair, sometimes known as a Stewardship Fair, is a perfect opportunity to spread the word about vocation ministry. Having a well-decorated table at the fair and asking outgoing members to speak knowledgeably and enthusiastically about the work of the ministry can draw volunteers to the cause. Even if it does not, remember that having a ministry presence there increases awareness of vocations. Introducing a new vocation ministry to parishioners is crucial, so keep the messaging simple. Introduction: Jesus often uses rural farming images when speaking about vocations. In looking at the promoting vocations, we use similar images. The goal of a vocation ministry is to create fertile soil for the Holy Spirit to plant seeds of holiness. The guiding scripture for our Vocation Ministry is “Some seed fell on rich soil and produced fruit yielding a thirty, sixty, and hundredfold.”~ Mark 4:8 We will prepare the soil for vocations in our parishes with prayer, awareness, and education, especially for our youth, and affirmation of those already living their vocations. In time, this will bring about a vocation-friendly environment and the Holy Spirit can more easily speak to our parishioners.