Melchizedek Project

The Melchizedek Project is a free discernment program for males that provides resources for starting vocation discernment groups. Catholic men meet to pray about their lives, listen for God’s voice, and get serious about answering his call. “The overriding theme of the discussions is discipleship: ‘Am I willing to follow Christ no matter what the cost, no matter what the call? Will I choose to trust his will for me, and courageously go where he leads?’” Their handbook is To Save a Thousand Souls by Father Brett Brannen. This can be a stand-alone activity or a great follow-up for individuals whose names emerged from the Called By Name program.
- Learn more about the Melchizedek Project
- Request a start-up packet
- Request Group Materials
- Request Promotional Posters
- If you have a discernment group, go to for free books.