Young Adult Ministry In A Box

While establishing a Young Adult Ministry in your parish may seem to be somewhat off task, it is not! Many young people entertain the thought of a priestly or consecrated vocation in college, but after graduation, they return home to find that in most parishes there is no ministry where they fit or are fed spiritually. Our priests are normally so busy that they don’t have time to create a curriculum for a young adult group either. Young Adult Ministry in a Box is about empowering young adults by offering structures, programs, and best practices so they can build the ministry themselves.
Busted Halo, a Catholic radio program, and the National Catholic Young Adult Ministers Association (NCYAMA) have designed a resource that incorporates these elements as well as the experiences and advice of the most talented young adult ministers in the United States. The program offers several sessions dedicated to vocations, as well. Young Adult Ministry in a Box is an online subscription to a resource kit that will help you create and sustain a vibrant young adult ministry with minimal staff time at minimal cost with maximum results.