Few activities can leave such an impression on the parish community as a reception. Bringing parishioners together to honor clergy on their ordination anniversary, to say farewell to a religious sister who is moving, or for a myriad of other occasions can be impactful for all. Receptions affirm the clergy, married couples, or religious in such a special way, allowing parishioners the opportunity to give back and show their appreciation whether they help with the reception in some way or just attend. Consider starting with a simple reception and then hosting larger, more complex receptions as your ministry grows in the parish.
Simple Reception
A simple reception can be used at any time and during any phase. Normally they are used when few funds and volunteers are available, but that does not mean they are not impactful. A donut and coffee reception that has a few decorations and is well-publicized still means so much to the priests, religious, or whoever is receiving the affirmation. The main aspect of any reception is the parishioners showing up to show their appreciation and gratitude toward the recipient, so consider using a simple reception when your parochial vicar first arrives or has an early ordination anniversary such as 10th anniversary.

Moderate Reception
A reception that contains more moving parts and requires at least 3-4 ministry members and more funding would be considered moderate. This reception could consist of finger foods such as sandwiches and chips and more options for drinks. More decorations, consisting of Catholic artwork, crosses, and/or statues can be used to spruce up the reception space. Consider placing pictures of the priest or guest of honor around the area, too, for a more personal touch. A moderate reception is perfect for saying farewell to a priest who has not been at the parish long, thanking the deacons for serving the church, or bringing parishioners together for fellowship before or after a vocation event.

Complex Reception
A complex reception is best undertaken by a more experienced ministry with more funding and volunteers to help make this event special. This reception normally takes place after a special Mass for the priest or guest of honor and requires more substantial food. This can still be finger food, but either a buffet or sit down meal will be served. Extensive decorations consist of artwork and flowers and pictures of the guest of honor prevalent. A program of events may be offered if speakers or other activities are taking place during the reception. Consider having a video shown, especially if the guest of honor has been at the parish a long time. Another nice touch is to have a professional photographer, preferably a parishioner, who can capture the special moments of the reception so that the guest of honor has a way of sharing the event with others. This type of reception is perfect for when a pastor first arrives, leaves, or any priest or religious celebrates a significant anniversary of ordination or vows taken.