National Catholic Schools Week
Last full week of January
Since 1974, National Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. It starts the last Sunday in January and runs all week. Schools typically observe the annual celebration week with Masses, open houses and other activities for students, families, parishioners and community members. Through these events, schools focus on the value Catholic education provides to young people and its contributions to our church, our communities and our nation.
Including vocation-related activities into this week each year strengthens the Catholic identity of a school.

- Design a Priest, Brother, or Sister
- Decorate bulletin boards with vocations in mind
- Hold an Art/Essay contest with a vocations theme
- Distribute Family Discussion Table Tent at Masses, youth group, or religious classes
- Hold a faith-based quiz bowl
- Invite a sister, brother, or priest to visit the students at a school assembly or in the classrooms
- Implement lesson plans from one of the free curricula for vocations
- Make an announcement at Masses about activities
- Order/Print out Church Book Rack Materials
- Free copies of Vision Magazine at
- Ask a priest to speak about vocations at Masses
- Invite married couples to speak to youth group
- Ask priest to bless married couples at Mass
- Play games and show vocation videos to kids
- More ideas from National Catholic Education Association