World Day of Cloistered Life
November 21, 2024
On this day the Church celebrates World Day of Cloistered Life, an ecclesial event for all Catholics to commemorate the hidden lives of cloistered and monastic religious.
A few years ago at a general audience in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis reminded the Church, “Let us give thanks to the Lord for the powerful testimony of cloistered life.” He also urged the faithful to lend their spiritual and material support to these brothers and sisters of ours “so that they can carry out their important mission.”

- Organize a novena of prayer
- Offer up prayers and send them in the form of a spiritual bouquet to a nearby convent, cloister, monastery, or hermitage.
- Host a special Holy Hour for World Day of Cloistered Life
- Write letters of encouragement to contemplative communities
- Visit them
- Call to thank them
- Donate monetarily
- Display a World Day for Cloistered Life banner or World Day of Cloistered Life poster
Social Media Marketing Package
Here are a variety of social media images to use to celebrate throughout the week! We include optional captions to use! Feel free to use the Canva link to add your logo to the image too (the captions are in the notes on Canva).
On this day the Church celebrates World Day of Cloistered Life, an ecclesial event for all Catholics to commemorate the hidden lives of cloistered and monastic religious.
A few years ago at a general audience in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis reminded the Church, “Let us give thanks to the Lord for the powerful testimony of cloistered life.” He also urged the faithful to lend their spiritual and material support to these brothers and sisters of ours “so that they can carry out their important mission.”

- Ask students to pray, especially if an alumnus has said Yes to this life or prayer
- Students can participate in a novena, offer up Masses, etc., send them Spiritual Bouquets from Phase II
- Give them encouragement by asking students to write letters to contemplative communities
- Include the petitions below in a school Mass
- Place a picture and information about cloistered life in a prominent location.
- Display a World Day for Cloistered Life banner or a World Day of Cloistered Life poster
- Send a care package of practical items to a cloistered order in your area.
- Highlight any nun, who is an alumnus or member of the parish.
Social Media Marketing Package
Here are a variety of social media images to use to celebrate throughout the week! We include optional captions to use! Feel free to use the Canva link to add your logo to the image too (the captions are in the notes on Canva).

Kids Activities

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