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VM Vocation Resources :: Vocation Days World Day of Prayer for Vocations

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

4th Sunday in Easter


Established in 1964 Pope Paul VI designated Good Shepherd Sunday to be World Day of Prayer for Vocations which is the day each year that all Catholics are asked to pray to God that he send more workers into the harvest.


If you are a ministry in Phase I:

If your ministry is in Phase II-IV:

  • Consider reaching out to other areas of the parish, too, to hold a larger prayer event.
  • Encourage the youth to pray in any way possible, whether that is in youth group, choir practice, or Boy Scouts.
  • Hold a Family Holy Hour for Vocations where young and old can pray for vocations and their own vocation before the Blessed Sacrament

Established in 1964 Pope Paul VI designated Good Shepherd Sunday to be World Day of Prayer for Vocations which is the day each year that all Catholics are asked to pray to God that he send more workers into the harvest.



Kids Activities

Prayers for Vocations

Additional Resources

https://www.worlddayofprayerforvocations.com/ – This website has many resources from Vianney Vocations for this special day!


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