Vocation Resources:

VM Workshops Catholic School Teachers

Catholic School Teachers

Did you know that year after year, studies find that close to 75% of the newly ordained first considered being a priest before 18 years of age? This statistic emphasizes the absolute necessity to encourage vocations early in life. To inspire more youth to hear God’s call, Vocation Ministry created a fresh and innovative approach to present the joy of holy vocations to our youth in their everyday environment.

The new education-based workshops are informational and fast-paced based on the proven success of Vocation Ministry’s parish-based workshops. They are designed to encourage, inspire, and equip Catholic educators to create a vocation-friendly environment in their classrooms. One Toledo teacher said, “I loved the practical ideas that you gave us. It wasn’t just theory or a lecture, and the ideas are reasonable and doable.”

Typically, a teacher workshop will occur after a principal workshop and can be set up as a one to three-hour session. The one-hour workshop includes Q & A. A two-hour+ workshop can include a brainstorming breakout session by grade level. Optional follow-up workshops are available.

Join us for a workshop designed just for YOU! It includes:

  • Introduction to Vocation Ministry
  • Why do we need to promote vocations in every classroom?
  • Introduction to resources: The Harvest and Vocationministry.com
  • Practical classroom activities for Prayer, Awareness and Education, and Affirmation
  • Starting small
  • Days in the Church for vocation promotion
  • What is discernment?
  • Inviting youth to discern
  • Examples and positive impact of vocation-producing classrooms
  • Saints to inspire!

According to our surveys, 95% of teachers report that they are highly likely to start promoting vocations after this workshop.

Workshop Flyer:

Testimony and Letters of Recommendation

Teacher Feedback:

“The most beneficial aspect of the presentation was seeing how easy it can be to incorporate vocations & discernment into my classroom.”

-Amelia, Diocese of Brownsville

“This presentation opened my eyes to the fact that teachers play an important role in helping children discern their vocational calling. I really like the practical ideas for the classroom. They are simple and easy to incorporate, yet profoundly meaningful.”

Deb, Diocese of Syracuse

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