Vocation Resources:

VM Workshops Spanish Workshop

Spanish Parishioner Workshop

Only 5% of priests identify as Hispanic. Those few priests are NOT nearly enough to minister to the Hispanic Catholics, who make up 39% of US Catholics. Laypeople in these communities are crucial to promoting priesthood, religious life, and sacramental marriage to their parishioners. Our workshop aims to assist Spanish-speaking laity to have vibrant parish vocation ministries.

This workshop, specifically for laity, covers:

  • What is a Vocation Ministry?
  • Why does every parish need a ministry?
  • What are the goals of the ministry?
  • What does a healthy ministry look like?
  • What kind of activities should a ministry do?
  • What “phases” will a ministry go through?
  • What kind of impact can one parish vocation ministry have?
  • How to emphasize the areas of Prayer, Awareness & Education, Youth, and Affirmation
  • Setting goals for your ministry
  • Vocation days to promote at a parish
  • Diocesan and parish partners
  • Examples and positive impact of vocation-producing parishes and dioceses
  • Commissioning of Vocation Promoters, and more

This workshop can be offered virtually and can be adapted to your needs/timeframe.


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